I am an ambitious (micro) biologist who is easy to work with and a team player. I have a broad interest in all things biology, from biochemistry to bioinformatics. I am particularly skilled in the creation and analysis of -omics datasets, from sample to publication-ready figures. I am also no stranger to meta-genomics, genome assembly, etc. I have been involved in the cultivation and characterization of over 70 novel Planctomycetes, resulting in skills pertaining to cultivation and phylogeny. I have ample experience with light (brightfield, confocal, fluorescent) and transmission electron microscopy. I am looking to apply these skills on a new and exiting projects together with a motivated and experienced group of scientists.
back to indexCurrent projects
Starvation response in Kuenenia stuttgartiensis
In this project we turn of the inflow of nutrients resulting in immidiate starvation, due to the effective concentration of nitrite in the bioreactor system being ~0. Response of bacterium is followed by transcriptomics, metabolomics and electron microscopy.
Membrane sub-proteome of Kuenenia stuttgartiensis
Kuenenia stuttgartiensis is an anammox bacterium, a bacterial family that all share a similar bacterial organella called the anammoxosome. This compartment houses its energy metabolism and is therefore thought to be analogous to the eukaryotic mitochondium. We have very little idea which proteins reside in which membrane, as we have not yet discovered any targetting mechanism. In order to examine protein abundances in each membrane, we set out to separate each membrane and perform quantitative proteomics.
Bacterial operon prediction
There are quite a few operon prediction tools out there, but none suited my need. I have used both genomic distances between genes as well as transcriptome data to predict operon structures.
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Cell division of Planctomycetes
Investigation of non-model cell division in Planctopirus limnophila, which lacks most the normally essential cell division machinery. We genetically modified this bacterium to delete the remaining "essential" cell division genes, which did not affect their abnormal cell division.
Ammonia and nitrite transporters in Kuenenia stuttgartiensis
By limiting either free [nitrite] or [ammonia] in the growth media of Kuenenia stuttgartiensis, we examined the expression levels of all transcripts, but with a focus on nutrient transporters. These are of especial interest because nutrient have to pass three double membranes instead of two, due to the unsual intracellular organelle called the anmmamxososome.
The quest for a molecular signal that targets the anammoxosome of anammox baceteria
I used a machine learning approach similar to Medema, but used a RNA based approach instead of a protein based approach. Did not yield any convincing results. In order to restart a similar project, we need a higher number of confirmed annammoxosomal proteins. This could achieved in the near future, as described above.
Core genome database for anammox bacteria
I often found myself looking at a gene and then wondering wether the gene had any relevance beyond just the bacterial strain I was investigating. To find the relevance of a gene in the larger scope of it's family, I clustered all protein products. The original annotation of each gene was attached to each cluster, and a representative of each of these clusters was used further identify domains present in each cluster. This information was added to a database, and can be queried for any search term. This way, any protein of interest can be quickly examined for presence in other anammox species.
back to indexSkills
- Research of biological topics with(in) a team
- Various types of light microscopy (brigh field, fluorecent, confocal etc
- Computational analysis of large sets of images
- Transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, genomics, from sample to figure
- Coding pipelines that take raw data and produce figures, with minimal user input
- Cloning in B. subtilis and E. coli
- Lab scale bioreactor systems
- Antibody techniques, precipitation, blotting, etc.
- Electron microscopy sample preparation: High pressure freezing, epon embedding, ultramicrotome sectioning
- R/python programming languages
- Linux/bash
- LaTeX / html, markdown languages
[1] | Stijn H Peeters and Marien I de Jonge. For the greater good: Programmed cell death in bacterial communities. Microbiological research, 207:161-169, 2018. [ bib ] |
[2] | Stijn H Peeters and Laura van Niftrik. Trending topics and open questions in anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Current opinion in chemical biology, 49:45-52, 2019. [ bib ] |
[31] | Rob A Schmitz, Stijn H Peeters, Wouter Versantvoort, Nunzia Picone, Arjan Pol, Mike SM Jetten, and Huub JM Op den Camp. Verrucomicrobial methanotrophs: ecophysiology of metabolically versatile acidophiles. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2021. [ bib ] |
Cell division
[14] | Elena Rivas-Marin, Stijn H Peeters, Laura Claret Fernández, Christian Jogler, Laura van Niftrik, Sandra Wiegand, and Damien P Devos. Non-essentiality of canonical cell division genes in the planctomycete planctopirus limnophila. Scientific reports, 10(1):1-8, 2020. [ bib ] |
[24] | Marjan J Smeulders, Stijn H Peeters, Theo van Alen, Daan de Bruijckere, Guylaine HL Nuijten, Mike SM Jetten, Laura van Niftrik, et al. Nutrient limitation causes differential expression of transport-and metabolism genes in the compartmentalized anammox bacterium kuenenia stuttgartiensis. Frontiers in microbiology, 11:1959, 2020. [ bib ] |
Species description and characterisation
[3] | Sandra Wiegand, Mareike Jogler, Timo Kohn, Ram Prasad Awal, Sonja Oberbeckmann, Katharina Kesy, Olga Jeske, Peter Schumann, Stijn H Peeters, Nicolai Kallscheuer, et al. The novel shapeshifting bacterial phylum saltatorellota. Biorxiv, page 817700, 2019. [ bib ] |
[4] | Sandra Wiegand, Mareike Jogler, Christian Boedeker, Daniela Pinto, John Vollmers, Elena Rivas-Marín, Timo Kohn, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Patrick Rast, et al. Cultivation and functional characterization of 79 planctomycetes uncovers their unique biology. Nature microbiology, 5(1):126-140, 2020. [ bib ] |
[5] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Sandra Wiegand, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Christian Boedeker, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Rubinisphaera italica sp. nov. isolated from a hydrothermal area in the tyrrhenian sea close to the volcanic island panarea. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1727-1736, 2020. [ bib ] |
[6] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Mareike Jogler, Christian Boedeker, Stijn H Peeters, Patrick Rast, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Rhodopirellula heiligendammensis sp. nov., rhodopirellula pilleata sp. nov., and rhodopirellula solitaria sp. nov. isolated from natural or artificial marine surfaces in northern germany and california, usa, and emended description of the genus rhodopirellula. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1737-1750, 2020. [ bib ] |
[7] | Alje S Boersma, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Patrick Rast, Stijn H Peeters, Rob J Mesman, Anja Heuer, Christian Boedeker, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, et al. Alienimonas californiensis gen. nov. sp. nov., a novel planctomycete isolated from the kelp forest in monterey bay. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, pages 1-16, 2019. [ bib ] |
[8] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Sandra Wiegand, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Christian Boedeker, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Three novel rubripirellula species isolated from plastic particles submerged in the baltic sea and the estuary of the river warnow in northern germany. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1767-1778, 2020. [ bib ] |
[9] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Stijn H Peeters, Mareike Jogler, Christian Boedeker, Anja Heuer, Patrick Rast, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Description of three bacterial strains belonging to the new genus novipirellula gen. nov., reclassificiation of rhodopirellula rosea and rhodopirellula caenicola and readjustment of the genus threshold of the phylogenetic marker rpob for planctomycetaceae. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, pages 1-17, 2019. [ bib ] |
[10] | Stijn H Peeters, Sandra Wiegand, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Patrick Rast, Christian Boedeker, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Three marine strains constitute the novel genus and species crateriforma conspicua in the phylum planctomycetes. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1797-1809, 2020. [ bib ] |
[11] | Stephanie Rensink, Sandra Wiegand, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Patrick Rast, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Christian Boedeker, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, Mareike Jogler, et al. Description of the novel planctomycetal genus bremerella, containing bremerella volcania sp. nov., isolated from an active volcanic site, and reclassification of blastopirellula cremea as bremerella cremea comb. nov. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1823-1837, 2020. [ bib ] |
[12] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Anja Heuer, Stephanie Rensink, Alje S Boersma, Mareike Jogler, Christian Boedeker, Stijn H Peeters, Patrick Rast, Mike SM Jetten, et al. Blastopirellula retiformator sp. nov. isolated from the shallow-sea hydrothermal vent system close to panarea island. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1811-1822, 2020. [ bib ] |
[13] | N Kallscheuer, M Jogler, S Wiegand, Stijn H Peeters, A Heuer, C Boedeker, M Jetten, M Rohde, and C Jogler. Three novel rubripirellula species isolated from artificial plastic surfaces submerged in the german part of the baltic sea and the estuary of the river warnow. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 2019. [ bib ] |
[15] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Christian Boedeker, Stijn H Peeters, Mareike Jogler, Patrick Rast, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Aureliella helgolandensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel planctomycete isolated from a jellyfish at the shore of the island helgoland. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1839-1849, 2020. [ bib ] |
[16] | Stijn H Peeters, Sandra Wiegand, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Christian Boedeker, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Lignipirellula cremea gen. nov., sp. nov., a planctomycete isolated from wood particles in a brackish river estuary. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1863-1875, 2020. [ bib ] |
[17] | Stijn H Peeters, Sandra Wiegand, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Christian Boedeker, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Description of polystyrenella longa gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from polystyrene particles incubated in the baltic sea. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1851-1862, 2020. [ bib ] |
[19] | Torsten Schubert, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Christian Boedeker, Stijn H Peeters, Mareike Jogler, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Calycomorphotria hydatis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel species in the family planctomycetaceae with conspicuous subcellular structures. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, pages 1-11, 2020. [ bib ] |
[20] | Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Christian Boedeker, Stijn H Peeters, Mareike Jogler, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Caulifigura coniformis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family planctomycetaceae isolated from a red biofilm sampled in a hydrothermal area. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1927-1937, 2020. [ bib ] |
[21] | Elena Rivas-Marin, Sandra Wiegand, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Christian Boedeker, Manfred Rohde, Damien P Devos, et al. Thalassoglobus polymorphus sp. nov., a novel planctomycete isolated close to a public beach of mallorca island. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1915-1926, 2020. [ bib ] |
[22] | Elena Rivas-Marin, Sandra Wiegand, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Christian Boedeker, Manfred Rohde, Damien P Devos, et al. Maioricimonas rarisocia gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel planctomycete isolated from marine sediments close to mallorca island. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1901-1913, 2020. [ bib ] |
[23] | Muhammad Waqqas, Markus Salbreiter, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mareike Jogler, Sandra Wiegand, Anja Heuer, Patrick Rast, Stijn H Peeters, Christian Boedeker, Mike SM Jetten, et al. Rosistilla oblonga gen. nov., sp. nov. and rosistilla carotiformis sp. nov., isolated from biotic or abiotic surfaces in northern germany, mallorca, spain and california, usa. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1939-1952, 2020. [ bib ] |
[25] | Frank Surup, Sandra Wiegand, Christian Boedeker, Anja Heuer, Stijn H Peeters, Mareike Jogler, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, Christian Jogler, and Nicolai Kallscheuer. Stieleria varia sp. nov., isolated from wood particles in the baltic sea, constitutes a novel species in the family pirellulaceae within the phylum planctomycetes. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1953-1963, 2020. [ bib ] |
[26] | Markus Salbreiter, Muhammad Waqqas, Mareike Jogler, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Sandra Wiegand, Stijn H Peeters, Anja Heuer, Mike SM Jetten, Christian Boedeker, Patrick Rast, et al. Three planctomycetes isolated from biotic surfaces in the mediterranean sea and the pacific ocean constitute the novel species symmachiella dynata gen. nov., sp. nov. and symmachiella macrocystis sp. nov. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1965-1977, 2020. [ bib ] |
[27] | Sandra Wiegand, Mareike Jogler, Christian Boedeker, Anja Heuer, Stijn H Peeters, Nicolai Kallscheuer, Mike SM Jetten, Anne-Kristin Kaster, Manfred Rohde, and Christian Jogler. Updates to the recently introduced family lacipirellulaceae in the phylum planctomycetes: isolation of strains belonging to the novel genera aeoliella, botrimarina, pirellulimonas and pseudobythopirellula and the novel species bythopirellula polymerisocia and posidoniimonas corsicana. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1979-1997, 2020. [ bib ] |
[28] | Sandra Wiegand, Mareike Jogler, Christian Boedeker, Anja Heuer, Patrick Rast, Stijn H Peeters, Mike SM Jetten, Anne-Kristin Kaster, Manfred Rohde, Nicolai Kallscheuer, et al. Additions to the genus gimesia: description of gimesia alba sp. nov., gimesia algae sp. nov., gimesia aquarii sp. nov., gimesia aquatilis sp. nov., gimesia fumaroli sp. nov. and gimesia panareensis sp. nov., isolated from aquatic habitats of the northern hemisphere. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 113(12):1999-2018, 2020. [ bib ] |
[29] | Christian Jogler, Sandra Wiegand, Christian Boedeker, Anja Heuer, Stijn H Peeters, Mareike Jogler, Mike SM Jetten, Manfred Rohde, and Nicolai Kallscheuer. Tautonia plasticadhaerens sp. nov., a novel species in the family isosphaeraceae isolated from an alga in a hydrothermal area of the eolian archipelago. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, pages 1-12, 2020. [ bib ] |
[30] | N Kallscheuer, S Wiegand, M Jogler, C Boedeker, Stijn H Peeters, P Rast, A Heuer, MSM Jetten, M Rohde, and C Jogler. Rhodopirellula heiligendammensis sp. nov. Rhodopirellula pilleata, 2019. [ bib ] |
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